Increased Milk Production

Monensin helps ruminants increase the ratio of propionate to acetate and butyrate produced by the rumen microflora. This enables cows to extract more energy from each kg of feed, and produce more milk protein.

Monotec 100 microGranulate Premix, Monotec 200 microGranulate Premix and Monotec have an ACVM registered NZ label claim for increased milk solids production in cows.

Increased Milk Production

Monensin helps ruminants increase the ratio of propionate to acetate and butyrate produced by the rumen microflora. This enables cows to extract more energy from each kg of feed, and produce more milk protein.

Monotec 100 microGranulate Premix, Monotec 200 microGranulate Premix and Monotec have an ACVM registered NZ label claim for increased milk solids production in cows.