Monotec 100 microGranulate

Monotec 100 microGranulate

Contains 100 g/kg monensin for multi-species use


  • Proven and highly effective ionophore
  • Increased milk protein production in dairy cows
  • Extensive research validating NZ label claims

  • Aids in the control of Ketosis
  • Reduced Bloat
  • Prevention and control of Coccidiosis
  • Superior microGranulate form of premix, suitable for inclusion into feed where adequate mixing is available

  • Produced by leading manufacturer Huvepharma


  • The most effective rumen modifier for NZ dairy cattle
  • Excellent return on investment
  • Prevents and controls coccidiosis in cattle, sheep, goats and poultry

  • Reduced dust in premix and feedmilling, and improved uniformity throughout feed
  • Highest quality European product


Monensin 100 g/kg microgranulate premix as monensin sodium

Pack Sizes

Available in 25 kg bags


Monensin is a monovalent ionophore that increases milk protein production in cows by increasing the ratio of proportionate to acetate and butyrate produced by the rumen microflora.
Monensin is also a coccidiostat that assists in the prevention and control of coccidiosis in poultry and ruminants. 


Dairy Cattle: For increased milk production, aids in the control of ketosis, aids in the reduction of bloat, helps prevent and control coccidiosis caused by Eimeria bovis and E. zuernii
Beef Cattle: Aids in the reduction of bloat, helps prevent and control coccidiosis caused by E. bovis and E. zuernii.
Replacement Heifers: Aids in the reduction of bloat, helps prevent and control coccidiosis caused by E. bovis and E. zuernii.
Sheep: Aids in the control of coccidiosis caused by E. ninakohlyakimovae, E. ahsata, E. faurei, E. parva, E. intricata and E. pallida.
Goats: Aids in the control of coccidiosis caused by E. arloingi.
Broiler and Replacement Layer Chickens: Aids in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by E. acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mivati, E. necatrix and E. tenella.
Growing Turkeys: Aids in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by E. adenoides, E. gallopavonis and E. meleagrimitis.


Mix thoroughly in feed before use. Convert all rations, including dry feeds, silage and wet feeds, to a 90% dry matter basis before calculating the rate of addition of the premix.
Dairy Cows:
Supplements: Mix thoroughly into the supplement to provide 300 mg monensin/animal/day when the supplement is fed at its recommended rate, or 3 g of premix/animal/day. Mix into not less than 0.5 kg feed.

Supplement (kg/head/day)Premix addition rate (kg/tonne)

Supplements: Mix thoroughly into the supplement at a rate of 1 kg premix/tonne of feed. This is equivalent to 100 ppm (mg/kg) monensin in the supplement, or 1 g of premix/animal/day when supplement is fed at 1 kg/calf/day.
Beef Calves, Beef Cows, Replacement Heifers:
Supplements: Mix thoroughly into the supplement to provide 200 mg monensin/animal/day when the supplement is fed at its recommended rate. This is equivalent to 2 g premix/animal/day.

Supplement (kg/head/day)Premix addition rate (kg/tonne)

Feedlot Cattle:
Complete Feeds: Mix thoroughly into the ration at a rate of 0.10 - 0.33 kg premix/tonne of final feed. This is equivalent to 10 - 33 ppm (mg/kg) monensin in the final feed.
Supplements: Mix thoroughly into the supplement to provide 50 - 360 mg monensin/animal/day when the supplement is fed at its recommended rate. This is equivalent to providing 0.5 - 3.6 g premix/animal/day.
Sheep and Goats:
Complete Feeds: Mix thoroughly into the ration at a rate of 0.05 - 0.2 kg premix/tonne of final feed. This is equivalent to 5 - 20 ppm (mg/kg) monensin in the final feed.
Supplements: Mix thoroughly into the supplement to provide 7.5 - 40 mg monensin/animal/day when the supplement is fed at its recommended rate. This is equivalent to providing 0.075 - 0.4 g premix/animal/day.
Example: To provide a monensin intake of 30 mg/head/day.

Supplement (kg/head/day)Premix addition rate (kg/tonne)

Broiler and Replacement Layer Chickens: Mix 1.0 - 1.2 kg of premix thoroughly into feed. This is equivalent to 100 - 120 g monensin/tonne of complete feed. Feed continuously as the only ration. May be fed up to the point of laying.
Growing Turkeys: Mix 0.6 - 1.0 kg of premix thoroughly into feed. This is equivalent to 60 - 100 g monensin/tonne of complete feed. Feed continuously as the only ration until 16 weeks of age.


Poultry or cattle consuming monensin should not be treated with products containing erythromycin, tiamulin or oleandomycin as these may cause severe growth depression.

Withholding times

Cattle: Meat: Nil     Milk: Nil
Sheep and Goats: Meat: Nil     Milk: Milk intended for human consumption must be discarded during treatment, and for not less than 35 days following the last treatment.
Poultry: Meat:  Nil. Eggs from treated birds must not be sold for human consumption for 10 days following the last treatment.

Special Precautions

Do not allow use on horses or dogs as fatal toxicosis may result.


Store below 25°C. Protect from direct sunlight. Store in its original container in a dry, well-ventilated area.
ACVM Registration Number A10036