13 March 2025
The Mastitis Game Plan: Fewer Antibiotics, Lower BMSCC, More Milk
Join AgriHealth for an essential event to boost milk quality, reduce mastitis and save you money.
13 March 2025
Join AgriHealth for an essential event to boost milk quality, reduce mastitis and save you money.
12 August 2024
To manage mastitis it is important to know which bacteria are causing the infection. If the antibiotics are “not working” it’s often because you are not using the best one for the bacteria involved or because the culprit is a...
07 July 2024
A new vaccine being developed in New Zealand could improve cows’ health and on- farm productivity.The Ministry for Primary Industries is backing a project to develop a modified live virus vaccine against bovine viral diarrhoe...
19 June 2024
Over the past 14 years AgriHealth has invested in more than 26 local research studies on NZ farms - over 40,000 local cattle - to improve herd health productivity and wellbeing. This research is complemented with ongoing com...
30 April 2024
Studies show that around 85% of dairy farms in New Zealand have Staph. aureus within the milking herd and typically 5% of cows in each herd are infected. Staph. aureus can spread from cow to cow at milking time through c...
11 September 2023
Maintaining a Bulk Milk Somatic Cell Count (BMSCC) under 150,000 cells/ml is a sign of a healthy productive herd. The aim of mastitis control is to limit the number of bacteria on the cow’s teats and to reduce the risk...
31 August 2023
On average, two thirds of the cycling cows in a herd will cycle in the 14 days leading up to the planned start of mating. Short-cycling these cows by 1 week means that all cycling cows in the herd can be inseminated within th...
25 August 2023
Did you know around 20 - 25% of the herd could be non-cycling at the planned start of mating? These cows have a 10% lower 6 week in-calf rate compared to cows cycling at the PSM. Five tips to help you engage with far...
13 July 2023
Treating every case of clinical mastitis with 3 days of pain relief, taking a milk sample to identify the bacteria, waiting 24 hours for the result and then treating based on the result is the way of the future. This combined...