Novormon Injection
Once reconstituted contains 200 IU / mL equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) for cattle, ewes, goats and pigs
- Consistent high potency
Novormon improves pregnancy rates in New Zealand non-cycling dairy cows by 7%
Novormon is approved for 21 days in-use, or 14 days if stored at room temperature (25°C) (following reconstitution with either sterile diluent or Cyclase)
- No foaming
100mL plastic vials
- Reliable and consistent reproductive outcomes
- Proven 4 to 1 return on investment from improved pregnancy rates
- Confidence in eCG efficacy once pack is broached
- Quick and easy to mix, with no particulate matter
- Convenient packaging
Equine chorionic gonadotrophin (eCG) powder for reconstitution. Once reconstituted as instructed, the resultant solution contains 200 IU / mL eCG
Pack Sizes
Available in 20,000 IU vials with 100 ml diluent or without diluent as part of PregBoost Plus. Cyclase 100mL can be used as the diluent for the freeze dried Novormon.
Novormon has dual follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH) actions, which stimulates follicular growth and ovulation. The half life of eCG in cattle is 3 - 5 days, compared to endogenous gonadotropins which have half lives of around 20 minutes. In oestrus synchrony / noncycling cow treatment programs, the administration of Novormon, when progesterone inserts are removed, optimises the fertility of the subsequent ovulation.
Complement to anoestrus treatment programs in cows, ewes and goats. Induction of ovulation and superovulation of pubescent and prepubescent cattle, sheep and pigs. Oestrus synchronisation in sows. Optimises the handling of artificial insemination and embryo transplantation.
Novormon complements the use of the DIB-V (A10319) and DIB-h (A10832) progesterone inserts, Gonasyn (A10642) and Cyclase (A10490) in DIB-Synch Plus oestrus synchrony programs.
Reconstitute freeze dried powder with either the sterile diluent or Cyclase prior to use. Once reconstituted, each mL contains 200i.u. eCG.
Administer by i/m injection to cows, ewes, goats and sows.
Cows: Oestrus synchronisation 400 - 600i.u./animal (2mL doses of 400i.u. generally used in anoestrous cow treatment programs); Superovulation: 2,500 - 3,000i.u./animal.
Store at 2 - 8°C
ACVM Registration number A10641. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under Veterinary Authorisation.
Reproductive products overview
Video Links
Associated Documents
Tech Bulletin R17 - Evaluation of eCG treatment of post-partum NZ dairy cows Novormon NZ Label Novormon SDS Vet Newsletter - use of eCG in non-cycling cow treatment programs Cyclase and Novormon mixing instructions Tech Bulletin R2 - DIB-Synch Plus in NZ Tech Bulletin R5 - eCG efficacy in NZ anoestrous dairy cows Tech Bulletin R6.2 - Potency and purity of eCG Tech Bulletin R11 - Is Heat Detection required in NZ Non-Cycler Programs? Tech Bulletin R12 - Cyclase as a Diluent for Novormon