Research Idea Entry

WIN the chance to turn your brilliant research idea into a full scale trial!

Many great ideas for new products and research, originate from local veterinarians and their farmers.
To enter please summarise your idea in under 100 words and submit via the entry form below. We carefully review and consider each idea or concept submitted.

Choose from the below areas for your entry:
Research Fields:
- Dairy Production
- Reproduction
- Calf Care
- Lameness
- Infectious disease investigation or treatment (eg Mastitis, IBR, Coccidiosis)

- New product idea
- Existing product (new label info, new or improved program (species, dosage etc)

Entries are open year-round, to NZ registered vets, up to 4 projects will be accepted each year. Winners will be announced at the annual AgriHealth Technical Seminar.

Prizes: Win the chance to have your research idea fully funded, and be involved with the AgriHealth R&D team to design and execute the study.
Do you live in New Zealand?
Are you a NZ registered veterinarian?
Will the idea you plan to submit improve farming in NZ?