Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) is a protozoan parasite closely related to coccidia, and is a common cause of calf scours in New Zealand either alone, or with other pathogenic bacteria or viruses (most commonly rotavirus).
C. parvum typically causes scours in calves from a few days to 3 weeks of age. Clinical symptoms in calves normally occur 3 - 7 days after infection and include a profuse watery diarrhoea, inappetence, gastrointestinal discomfort and a mild fever. Severe infections may lead to dehydration. Mortality rates are usually low but increase if there are other bacteria or viruses involved, or if the dehydration is not corrected promptly. The onset of clinical signs coincides with the shedding of oocysts in the faeces, and this often continues after the clinical signs have disappeared.
For more information refer Technical Bulletin VM2 Cryptosporosis in New Zealand calves
Also refer Agrihealth Farmer Brochure for managing cryptosporidiosis in calves and the Kryptade Program
Tips for preventing crypto
- Ensure all calves receive 4-6L high quality 'gold' colostrum in the first 12-18 hours of life
- Maintain a high level of hygiene
- Add Exagen twice daily in milk or colostrum for the first 3-10 days after arrival in the calf shed to prevent significant further spread to herdmates in an outbreak, and to prevent outbreaks in sheds where infections have occurred previously (in prior years)
Tips for treating crypto
We recommend the Kryptade program.
- Isolate scouring calves
- Diagnosis - as recommended by your vet e.g. take faecal sample and test
- Maintain high level of hygiene to prevent infection of other calves and humans. Use dedicated equipment with sick calves
- Use Kryptade morning and night for three days. Kryptade provides electrolytes (for energy and fluids) and an agent to reduce oocyst infectivity
- Melovem relieves pain to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, and to get calves drinking sooner
- Provide unrestricted access to electrolytes (e.g. Enervade) and fresh water
- Feed colostrum or milk at least two hours after Kryptade

Cryptosporidium parvum (C. parvum) is a protozoan parasite closely related to coccidia, and is a common cause of calf scours in New Zealand either alone, or with other pathogenic bacteria or viruses (most commonly rotavirus).
C. parvum typically causes scours in calves from a few days to 3 weeks of age. Clinical symptoms in calves normally occur 3 - 7 days after infection and include a profuse watery diarrhoea, inappetence, gastrointestinal discomfort and a mild fever. Severe infections may lead to dehydration. Mortality rates are usually low but increase if there are other bacteria or viruses involved, or if the dehydration is not corrected promptly. The onset of clinical signs coincides with the shedding of oocysts in the faeces, and this often continues after the clinical signs have disappeared.
For more information refer Technical Bulletin VM2 Cryptosporosis in New Zealand calves
Also refer Agrihealth Farmer Brochure for managing cryptosporidiosis in calves and the Kryptade Program
Tips for preventing crypto
- Ensure all calves receive 4-6L high quality 'gold' colostrum in the first 12-18 hours of life
- Maintain a high level of hygiene
- Add Exagen twice daily in milk or colostrum for the first 3-10 days after arrival in the calf shed to prevent significant further spread to herdmates in an outbreak, and to prevent outbreaks in sheds where infections have occurred previously (in prior years)
Tips for treating crypto
We recommend the Kryptade program.
- Isolate scouring calves
- Diagnosis - as recommended by your vet e.g. take faecal sample and test
- Maintain high level of hygiene to prevent infection of other calves and humans. Use dedicated equipment with sick calves
- Use Kryptade morning and night for three days. Kryptade provides electrolytes (for energy and fluids) and an agent to reduce oocyst infectivity
- Melovem relieves pain to reduce gastrointestinal discomfort, and to get calves drinking sooner
- Provide unrestricted access to electrolytes (e.g. Enervade) and fresh water
- Feed colostrum or milk at least two hours after Kryptade



Melovem 30