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New Kiwi vaccine being developed against BVD

07 July 2024

A new vaccine being developed in New Zealand could improve cows’ health and on- farm productivity.
The Ministry for Primary Industries is backing a project to develop a modified live virus vaccine against bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) with a safe to use immunogen.

Associate Agriculture Minister Andrew Hoggard said New Zealand currently used three registered vaccines for BVD, with an efficacy rate of about 60% to 65% that required a two-dose initial vaccination followed by further vaccination each year.
“This leaves significant room for improvement,” Hoggard said.
“The existing vaccines are all from overseas, so this will be the first ever project to develop a vaccine specific to New Zealand strains of BVD.
“This is an opportunity for Kiwi ingenuity to shine and help protect our dairy and beef herds.”

BVD was estimated to cost New Zealand cattle farmers more than $190 million each year.
“This prevalent disease impacts around 80% of New Zealand’s dairy and beef herds and costs our farmers more than $150m every year in direct production losses and $40m in ongoing expenses from BVD control,” Hoggard said.

“Cattle infected with BVD suffer a range of symptoms, including reproductive losses, reduced growth rates and lowered milk production, with the disease ultimately leading to their death,” Hoggard said.
The project is being led by John Moffat working with AgriHealth and South Pacific Sera Limited. The ministry has invested $330,000 in the project and AgriHealth NZ Ltd, $600,000.

Source: Stuff NZ, 20/09/2024, 

Watch the TV1 news bulletin below on this announcement below. 

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