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AgriHealth investing heavily in local research and innovation

19 June 2024

Over the past 14 years AgriHealth has invested in more than 26 local research studies on NZ farms - over 40,000 local cattle - to improve herd health productivity and wellbeing. This research is complemented with ongoing commitment to practical training and professional development of rural vets and farmers, along with industry-good initiatives.

Over the last 3 years AgriHealth has also invested millions of dollars into a brand new AgriHealth Innovations laboratory and team.  Millions more is being invested into start-up Welfare Concepts Limited. The combined new product development pipeline extends to 12 innovative medicines for NZ animals!

Several proposed new product concepts are novel R&D projects that may result in 'game-changing’ improvements.   An example of valuable innovation conducted locally for the benefit of the NZ farming sector was recently recognised by Ministry of Primary Industries via a SFFF research grant for a novel modified live BVD vaccine project - refer Govt media release

In relation to CPD, the June 2024 NZVA conference has a programme packed with quality content.  Several aspects of research and innovation, and/or Dairy Cattle Veterinarian CPD, has been supported by AgriHealth as listed in the table below.

Feel free to contact us for more information. 

For any media enquiries, please contact 

Ed Catherwood, Managing Director, 021 821 421,
Richard Emslie, Head of Innovation, 021 830 797,
John Moffat, Technical Manager - Innovation, 0274 520 115,

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