Seasonal Resources: Reproduction
Read more about our focus on animal efficiency through improving dairy herd repro' performance and maximising days in milk.
This page contains a preview of the upcoming campaigns for farmers focusing on animal efficiency and improving dairy herd repro' performance to maximise days in milk.
AgriHealth vet partners are welcome to utilise farmer content below (in part or in full) in vet newsletters to NZ farmer clients when convenient.
For more information on endometritis, oestrus synchrony in heifers and cows, why wait for cycling cows, and non cycling cows click the links. View these short videos from our Ready to Mate series presented by Dr Steve Cranfield, and listen to these podcasts to help have effective repro' and non-cycling conversations.
Please contact your local AgriHealth representative to order the NEW farmer posters, and for additional resources including images or to schedule training for your vet and tech team.