Yumamycin 1% microGranulate
Contains 10 g/kg maduramicin ammonium for coccidiosis control in chickens
Monovalent glycoside polyether ionophore
High quality product manufactured in Europe by leading manufacturer, Huvepharma
Suitable for use in anticoccidial roation and shuttle programs for poultry
microGranulate formulation improves uniformity throughout the feed
Contains 10 g/kg maduramicin ammonium in a microGranulate premix
Pack Sizes
Available in 25 kg bags
Coccidiocidal against all Eimeria spp.
For use in broiler chicken feed for the prevention and control of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, E. necatrix, E mivati and E. tenella.
Mix 500 g premix per tonne of feed to obtain a concentration of 5 g maduramicin ammonium per tonne of feed. Feeds containing Yumamycin 1% microGranulate should be the only ration fed to broilers to avoid dilution of the active ingredient.
Do not treat animals with this product while receiving, or for at least seven days before or after receiving feed containing tiamulin.
Withholding times
Special Precautions
Do not use this product concurrently, or for at least seven days before or after treatment with tiamulin. Do not administer to horses or other equines.
Store locked up, in a dry place below 25°C.
ACVM Registration Number A11189
Yumamycin 1% NZ Label Yumamycin 1% SDS Yumamycin 1% Brochure