Sacox 120 microGranulate
Contains 120 g/kg sodium salinomycin premix for poultry and pigs
Proven coccidiostat
- The original salinomycin reference product
- Produced by leading manufacturer Huvepharma
- Superior microGranulate form
- Prevents coccidiosis in poultry
- Most popular ionophore globally
- Highest quality European product
Reduced dust in premix and feedmilling and ensures improved distribution throughout the feed
Suitable for use in anticoccidial rotation and shuttle programs for poultry
MicroGranulate premix containing 120 g/kg sodium salinomycin, suitable for poultry and pigs
Pack Sizes
Available in 25 kg bags
Salinomycin is coccidiocidal via disturbance of the parasite's intracellular ion concentration.
Poultry: For the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. brunetti, E. maxima, E. mivati, E. necatrix and E. tenella in broiler chickens and in replacement birds intended for use as caged layers.
Pigs: For enhancing productivity by increasing the rate of weight gain and improving feed efficiency of grower/finisher pigs.
Poultry: For use in broiler chickens and replacement pullets only. Should be incorporated into a premix prior to mixing into finished feed. Add 0.5 kg to each tonne of chicken feed to produce a salinomycin level of 60 g/tonne in the finished feed, which should be fed continuously as the sole ration.
Pigs: For piglets less than 4 months of age, add 0.25 - 0.5 kg/tonne of feed to achieve a salinomycin level of 30 to 60 g/tonne in the finished feed. For pigs greater than 6 months of age, add 0.125 - 0.25 kg/tonne of feed to achieve a salinomycin level of 15 to 30 g/tonne in the finished feed. Should be incorporated into a premix prior to mixing into finished feed.
Medicated feed must be labelled with appropriate precautions.
Do not exceed recommended use levels. Do not feed to horses or any other animals or birds not included in the label claim.
Do not feed to animals receiving tiamulin or any drug that affects biotransformation in the liver.
Care must be exercised when feeding concurrently with antimicrobials.
Withholding times
Meat: Nil
Eggs: Eggs from treated birds must not be sold for human consumption for 10 days following the last treatment
Store below 30°C in a dry place.
ACVM Registration Number A07640