OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT
Potent and intrinsically thermostable bacterial phytase enzyme for pig and poultry feed
Latest generation, high performance phytase enzyme
Highly efficacious bacterial phytase with proven matrix values from EFSA reviewed independent trials
Effective across broad pH range, with optimal efficacy at pH within upper intestinal tract
Resistant to pepsin degradation
Highest catalytic efficiency and affinity
Intrinsically thermostable phytase with superior thermostable coating
Superior and rapid phytate and phytin hydrolysis in the entire upper gastrointestinal tract
High phosphorus matrix values are validated by peer reviewed research
High activity and affinity releases more phosphorous during short feed retention time in upper gut even from low phytate diets
Best in class thermostability during feed processing and superior stability in premix
Intrinsically thermostable, coated bacterial (E. coli) 6-phytase enzyme produced by Komagataella pastoris with minimum phytase activity 10,000 FTU/g
Pack Size
Available in 20 kg bags
The phytase enzyme in OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT releases phosphorous from the largely indigestible plant storage forms of phosphorus (phytins, phytate and their derivatives) that are naturally found in feed raw materials. OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT also improves the availability of other nutrients and minerals as phytate is an anti-nutritional factor that binds nutrients such as minerals and proteins. OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT breaks down phytate, hence releasing other nutrients from the molecule. OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT is both intrinsically more thermostable and has improved thermoresistance coating technology than previous versions of the product and when compared to other phytases commercially available today.
OptiPhos Plus 10,000 CT is suitable for broilers, chickens reared for laying, laying hens, turkeys for fattening, turkeys for breeding, piglets (weaned), pigs for fattening and sows to improve the digestibility of phytin-bound phosphorous in feed. It is also suitable for improving the utilisation of other nutrients such as proteins, peptides, amino acids, calcium and trace minerals.
To be administered orally in well-mixed feed Broiler chickens, chickens reared for laying, turkeys reared for laying and fattening and pigs: 50-100 g/tonne finished feed (providing 500-1000 FTU/kg feed)
Laying hens and laying turkeys: 25 g/tonne finished feed (providing 250 FTU/kg feed)
Withholding Times
Meat: Nil
Eggs: Nil
Other Information
Store below 25 °C in original packaging in a dry place
Exempt from ACVM registration
Associated documents
OptiPhos Plus 10000 CT NZ Label OptiPhos Plus 10000 CT SDS OptiPhos Plus 10000 CT Brochure