Mastatest SCC1 test kit
The Mastatest HiSCC test cartridge identifies the mastitis bug infecting cows with high somatic cell counts – within 24 hours. These cows show no physical signs of mastitis, but they are less productive, and affect the herd’s BMSCC.
Use a HiSCC test cartridge only for testing cows with high SCC. For testing clinical mastitis cases use NZP2 or NZP4 test cartridge.
Available from your vet clinic. Click here to contact us
Test Mastitis on-farm within 24 hours
Identify the bug infecting cows with high somatic cell count
Lactating and/or dry cow treatment decisions
Dry off or culling decisions
Reducing somatic cell count
Increased profitability
A HiSCC test is best carried out on selected cows identified with high somatic cell counts at herd test or RMT (rapid mastitis test) positive cows. It is recommended to take a milk sample from these cows and test it using a Mastatest HiSCC cartridge to know the bug causing the high SCC.
Mastatest can provide rapid mastitis testing on-farm within 24 hours. The results are sent to the registered farmers' email and their veterinarian.
No other mastitis test compares in terms of simplicity, and ease of use on the dairy farm.
Use of Mastatest can improve mastitis cure rates in a given herd, and enables more targeted use of antibiotics to combat the most prevalent disease in dairying.
Test every case of mastitis (clinical and subclinical) with Mastatest.
Pack Size
HiSCC test kits are supplied in packs of ten cartridges.
Each cartridge can be used to test two milk samples.