Contains 2.6g bismuth subnitrate per syringe for intramammary use as a teat sealant in lactating cows at drying off, and in maiden heifers prior to calving
Ergonomically designed syringe with short plunger length.
Contains 2.6g bismuth subnitrate per syringe
Available in cartons of 800 syringes, packed with 20 bags of 40 syringes
Restricted Veterinary Medicine
For prevention of mastitis in cows during the dry period, and peri-calving mastitis in heifers
Contact your vet for advice
IntraGold is a teat sealant for use in lactating cows at drying off and in maiden heifers prior to calving
Pack Sizes
Cartons of 800 syringes
IntraGold is a viscous, inert material which prevents bacteria moving up into the udder and causing an infection.
IntraGold is a teat sealant used for the prevention of mastitis during the non-lactating (dry) period and for the prevention of peri-calving mastitis in maiden heifers.
Infuse one syringe into each teat according to the instructions below.
Treat lactating cows and first-calving heifers immediately after the last milking at drying off. IntraGold is indicated for cows with an individual somatic cell count of less than 150,000 (cows) or 120,000 (first-calving heifers). In cows and heifers with a SCC higher than this threshold, use IntraGold immediately following treatment with a suitable dry cow antibiotic treatment according to the product label.
Treat maiden heifers pre-calving before springing (‘bagging up’) of the udder, i.e. from approximately four weeks to one week prior to the planned start of calving for a typical seasonally calving herd. It is not recommended to administer IntraGold closer than one week prior to calving. IntraGold should only be administered to maiden heifers in herds where heifer mastitis levels are clinically significant.
Care must be taken in heifers and cows so not to introduce pathogens/bacteria into the teat during administration. Accidental introduction of bacteria into the quarter during insertion of the syringe can result in serious mastitis. It is essential that strict aseptic techniques are used for the infusion of this product, as follows:
1. Milk out the udder as usual.
2. Ensure animals are appropriately restrained in hygienic conditions. Keep syringes clean and do not immerse loose syringes in water.
3. Start with a visibly clean and dry udder and teats. If obvious dirt is present, clean off dirt and wipe teats dry.
4. Thoroughly clean and disinfect each teat prior to infusion of the syringe. Ensure sufficient time is allocated to treat each animal. Clean and treat one teat at a time, beginning with the rear teats and then the front teats.
5. Disinfect each teat using antibacterial teat wipes or cotton balls soaked in suitable antiseptic such as 70% methylated spirits and clean water. Use a separate wipe for each teat, and use new wipes or cotton balls until both teat end and wipe are visibly clean. Allow to dry.
6. If required, administer a suitable dry cow antibiotic product according to the product label, and massage this into the udder. Repeat disinfection process of the teat prior to insertion of IntraGold.
7. Remove the cap from the tube being careful not to touch the nozzle. Insert the tip into the teat canal with minimal penetration (up to 3mm) while avoiding contamination of the teat end. Pinch the top of the teat near the udder, and push the plunger to dispense the entire contents of the tube into the teat. Do not massage the contents up into the udder.
8. Repeat the process on the remaining teats.
9. Spray each entire teat with a recognised teat spray. Confine treated cows to a yard close by to stand for at least 30 minutes to allow the teat end to close. Walk cows quietly back to a clean paddock and avoid activity that may encourage excessive soiling or movement of the udder (e.g. running).
It is important to remove IntraGold from freshly calved cows and heifers to stop any particles entering the vat. Thoroughly hand strip at least 10-12 strips from every teat at the first milking after calving including at least 5 strips of colostrum/milk to ensure that no plugs remain in the teat. Stripping should commence at the very top of the teat. Avoid removal of IntraGold by the milking machine.
Contra Indication
Do not use in cows during lactation. Do not use in cows with clinical mastitis at drying off.
Withholding times
Milk: Milk intended for sale for human consumption must be discarded during treatment and for not less than 8 milkings (approximately 96 hours) after calving.
Meat: Nil
Human First Aid, Symptoms of Poisoning
DANGER: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
Read all instructions carefully. Store locked up. If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand.
IF SWALLOWED: Do NOT induce vomiting. Immediately call the National Poisons Centre (0800 764 766) or doctor/physician.
Store below 25°C. Do not freeze.
Preferably dispose of product by use. Dispose of empty syringes and packaging at an approved landfill or other approved facility.
ACVM Registration Number A12117. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under Veterinary Authorisation.