Coxipol 25% microGranulate
Contains 250 g/kg clopidol for chickens
Synthetic anticoccidial
- Superior microGranulate premix form
- High quality product from Europe
Synthetic anticoccidial suitable for use in anticoccidial rotation programs for poultry
Low toxicity and high margin of safety in chickens
microGranulate formulation improves uniformity throughout the feed
Contains 250 g/kg clopidol in a microgranulate premix
Pack Sizes
Available in 20 kg bags
Clopidol (3,5-dichloro-2,6-dimethyl- 4-pyridinol) is a pyridone-derivative, which inhibits the development of sporozoites and trophozoites of Eimeria species.
Coxipol 25% is indicated as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. maxima, E. brunetti, E. necatrix and E. tenella in broiler chickens.
Directions: For use in broiler chickens. Coxipol 25% should be mixed into a secondary premix prior to incorporation in finished feed. Add 500 g of Coxipol 25% to each tonne of chicken feed. This produces a clopidol content of 125 g/tonne in the finished feed which should be fed continuously as the sole ration.
Withholding times
Meat: 2 days
Eggs: Not for use in birds from which eggs are produced for human consumption
Store in original container, in a dry place below 30°C.
ACVM Registration Number A11356.