BaciMax 150 Granular

BaciMax 150 Granular

Contains 150 g / kg zinc bacitracin for pigs and poultry


  • Restricted Veterinary Medicine (antibiotic) for adding to pig or poultry feed


  • Contact your vet for advice

  • Available in 25 kg bags


Light brown granule containing 150 g/kg bacitracin, as zinc bacitracin. [1 g bacitracin is equivalent to 42,000 IU]

Pack Sizes

Available in 25 kg bags


Bacitracin disrupts bacteria by interfering with cell wall and peptidoglycan synthesis


BaciMax 150 Granular is indicated for the prevention and treatment of necrotic enteritis (Clostridium perfringens types A and C) in pigs and poultry


Directions: BaciMax 150 Granular should be thoroughly mixed with bulk feed.
Broiler Chickens:
As an aid in the prevention of necrotic enteritis caused by or complicated by Clostridium spp. or other organisms susceptible to zinc bacitracin: 0.33 kg BaciMax 150 Granular / tonne feed (equivalent to bacitracin 50 ppm).
An aid in the prevention of necrotic enteritis caused by or complicated by Clostridium spp. or other organisms susceptible to zinc bacitracin: 1.33 kg BaciMax 150 Granular / tonne feed (equivalent to bacitracin 200 ppm). 
CAUTION: To control a necrotic enteritis outbreak, start medication at the first clinical signs of disease. Administer continuously for 5  - 7 days or as long as clinical signs persist and then reduce medication to preventative level (0.33 kg BaciMax 150 Granular / tonne feed).
Pregnant sows:  
For the control of clostridial enteritis caused by Clostridium perfringens in suckling piglets when fed to sows from 14 days before through to 21 days after farrowing on premises with a history of clostridial scours: 1.65 kg BaciMax 150 Granular / tonne feed (equivalent to bacitracin 250 ppm).
CAUTION: Diagnosis should be confirmed by a veterinarian when results are not satisfactory. Feed containing an approved level of zinc bacitracin should be the sole ration.

Withholding times



Store in original container, in a dry place, below 25°C. Close container securely after use.
ACVM Registration Number A10742. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under Veterinary Authorisation.

Associated Documents

BaciMax 150 SDS BaciMax 150 NZ Label