08 March 2024

Reducing Lameness Webinar Summary
15 June 2023
AgriHealth held a “Reducing Lameness” Webinar presented by Dr Winston Mason and Dr Katie Saunders to inform vets about the new thinking behind reducing the incidence and prevalence of lameness and breaking the lameness cycle.
To those able to join us, thank you for attending and we hope you found it informative and gained valuable insights. Here is a summary video and key take-away messages from the presentation.
Dr Winston Mason - Breaking the lameness cycle:
- Early identification through lameness scoring and effective treatment (trim, block & NSAID) are two of the best tools we have at controlling lameness. You have to do both!
- A case of lameness increases the further risk of lameness creating this horrific negative cycle, part of that due to bony changes that occur in the hoof.
- Early identification and effective treatment of lameness can actually become a preventative strategy and break this negative cycle.
3 key steps to reduce lameness on-farm:
- Identify cows promptly with regular lameness scoring – the earlier the better.
- Once identified treat early
- Pick up the foot, trim the hoof and manage the pain and inflammation with 3 days of KetoMax and a hoof block (don’t think of the two in isolation).
- Manage their recovery, feed intake and reassess daily.
- Reduce pressure on cows – less time out of the paddock on hard surfaces = more time to eat and rest comfortably. Gentle handling and maintenance of races are also key to reducing pressure.
- Remember doing a good job of the monitor and manage steps will also help minimise future lameness.
Following these steps of Monitor, Manage and Minimise – provides a useful process for you to help your farmers reduce lameness in their herd through training farm staff on how to identify and treat lame cows and/or providing these services to your farmers.
DairyNZ - lameness scoring
- Lameness scoring system to identify lame cows here
AgriHealth Resources to help support with Monitor, Manage & Minimise:
- Digital poster here
- On-farm A3 laminated shed poster (customisable) – contact your ASM
- Hoof Model – contact your ASM
- Videos here
- Technical Bulletins TBN5 & TBN7
Talk to your Area Sales Manager to learn more