KetoMax 15% Injection
Contains 150 mg / mL ketoprofen for cattle
- Broad spectrum anti-inflammatory product
- Highly concentrated ketoprofen formulation
Innovative and excellent quality product manufactured in Europe
Shorter meat withholding period of two days
90 day in-use shelf life
Triple action against lipoxygenase, cyclooxygenase, and bradykinin
Lower volume dose, as each mL of KetoMax contains more ketoprofen
Typical 500kg cow dose fits into a 10mL syringe
- No milk withhold required
KetoMax 15% injectable solution NSAID (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug) for Cattle
Contains: Ketoprofen 150mg / mL
Pack Sizes
Available in 100mL bottles, and 250mL bottles with plastic bottle protector.
Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) of the propionic acid class.
The anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic effects of ketoprofen are attributed to the inhibition of cyclooxygenase and lipoxygense in the inflammatory process. Ketoprofen is rapidly and extensively absorbed via either intramuscular or intravenous injection.
For use in cattle for the anti-inflammatory, analgesic and anti-pyretic treatment of acute mastitis, mammary oedema, respiratory conditions, colic and musculoskeletal conditions
Cattle: Administer by intravenous or intramuscular injection, in the neck.
Dose 1 mL / 50 kg / day (3 mg/kg ketoprofen) for 1 to 3 days depending on the severity and duration of symptoms.
Withholding times
Meat: Cattle producing meat or offal for human consumption must not be sold for slaughter either during treatment or within 2 days of the last treatment.
Milk: Nil
Special Precautions
Do not use concurrently with another non-steroidal anti-inflammatory. Do not administer where there is abundant haemorrhaging. Do not use in animals suffering from cardiac, hepatic or renal disease. Abomasal ulceration and perforation has been seen when used in calves at disbudding. Do not administer by the intra-arterial route. Do not administer to an animal that has developed hypersensitivity to ketoprofen.
Store below 25°C (room temperature). Use remainder of vial within 90 days of opening, or discard unused portion.
ACVM Registration Number A11031. Restricted Veterinary Medicine. Available only under Veterinary Authorisation.
Video Links
Dairy NZ's Healthy Udder video presented by AgriHealth's Dr Steve Cranefield
Associated Documents
KetoMax 15% NZ Label KetoMax 15% SDS KetoMax 15% Farmer Fact Sheet KetoMax Indications and Usage Guide Reducing Lameness poster for dairy farmers KetoMax 15% Brochure Tech Bulletin N3.1 - NSAID Use on NZ Dairy Farms Tech Bulletin N4 - Ketoprofen and NSAID use in Cattle Tech Bulletin N5.2 - Pain relief in NZ Dairy Cows Tech Bulletin MS6 - Concurrent use of RVM's in lactating dairy cattle in NZ Technical Bulletin N7.1 - Lameness Management in NZ Dairy Cows Vet Newsletter - Pain Relief Mastitis Vet Newsletter - Pain Relief Lameness Vet Newsletter - Pain Relief Calving Season Potential benefit of NSAIDs in severely lame dairy cows (Nortje & Young, 2018)